Monday, May 18, 2009

Day One!

Alright, so I started today at my internship. Being Monday we had decided I'd show up at 2:00pm so as to give my supervisor time to get into her monday. So I met up with Lisa for lunch and then proceeded to work.

I walked into an awesome old warehouse building in the Warehouse district and found the office of my supervisor, Lani. She gave me a tour of the offices and introduced me to a vast number of people whose names I will not remember for a while. But then a bit later we had a Communications and Marketing dept. meeting. This is where the real fun came in!

We spent about an hour in this meeting with a total of seven people. Now this group of people is very relaxed and comfortable with each other. There was much laughter and much friendly bickering, so of course I felt right at home. We discussed briefly where I'm coming from, what I'm looking for, and what they have for me to work on. Then we progressed to what they termed their "sensitivity list." This term worried me at first expecting a list of rules for what was/was not appropriate for the office. Instead it was basically a list of people's food allergies and likes/dislikes. Some of them were quite interesting like horse meat and meat in jellies. I was astonished at how many of them (including myself) have a strong dislike for Mayo! We also discussed interest in alcohol. Coming from Utah I'm still adjusting to real beer and I have a feeling that they will help me with this.

My favorite part of the meeting was when the Executive Assistant to the President walked by and poked her head in saying: "Woah, you guys are laughing this much and having so much fun and there's not even an empty bottle of wine on the table!?" My other high point of the day was when my supervisor says: "you don't have to stay past 5. I know how much you're getting paid." and then as she left her office at 5:02: "Rule Number 1: Don't stay past 5!" Needless to say, I got the picture. Tomorrow will be fun as I get to know the group more...

So I got some good ideas, I have lots of questions to start my day off with tomorrow, but I won't bore you with those now

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