Monday, February 15, 2010

Interesting moments

So there is a collection of events I've observed since coming to San Francisco that I just feel like I should share. There's really not much more to say about any of these, they're just odd, or interesting if either of those is the right word.

I've discovered that Public Transit is always good for a story. Case in point. On my way to a 10am meeting downtown, I boarded the bus around 9. Drunk man in the back started to get a little loud and I felt like I was in school again when the bus driver called him up to the front. She spoke to him a bit and then when he got back to the rear of the bus began yelling again. He was absolutely convinced that "The n----- stole my money!" Then the bus driver kicked him off. Drunk and disorderly at 9am. WOW.

Walking through the Castro on a Saturday night passing several bums begging I turn the corner and there is a man completely naked. Strike that, he was wearing a stocking hat with tassel. He just stood there. didn't say anything, didn't do anything, just stood. then wandered up the street a bit to stand there.

Probably my favorite was overhearing the bitchy-est little gay boy I've ever seen complaining very loudly to his friends about the cover at the club they were entering. It was TWO DOLLARS!

Finally, if I had been more drunk I DEFINITELY would have taken part in this last one. Outside a bar around 1am there was a middle aged latino man and woman with a grill on the sidewalk selling tacos. Seriously, that is like the best entrepreneurial business model ever. Someone needs to back them.

Well that's all for now. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tyler- glad you are settling into life in San Fran. Funny posts! Keep em coming.
