Saturday, April 3, 2010

My new favorite place in the city.

So I've gone to this single area in San Francisco SEVERAL times over the last month, and each time I discover more. I've had work meetings there, met people at a bar, gone to a dance performance and just stumbled upon it accidentaly.
But on one side of the street there is the Contemporary Jewish Museum, and it's AMAZING! It has great meeting space and has some pretty awesome art, as well as being a super cool building. The first time I saw it I was on the street and saw the plain, average, not terribly exciting facade.

There's a lovely plaza area next to the church to the left. (I love that there's a Catholic church RIGHT out front of the Jewseum).
But then when I was meeting someone for drinks nearby I discovered this hidden part of it.

Those crafty Jews HID it behind the Catholics! Well done! (Wouldn't be the first time the Catholics covered something up.)

So then across the street from al this wonderfulness is the Yerba Buena Center Gardens. So wonderful, especially in the spring when the cherry blossoms are flying.

And finally I found a super cool sculpture in the garden:

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