Friday, July 31, 2009

I suck at Blogging.

How's it going?
Ok well. I'm gonna give a quick re-cap of recent events.
Work is going amazingly well. I am loving this internship and my time there has been SO unbelievably worthwhile. I've only got two weeks left, which is a little sad. So I warned my co-workers today that I'll be leaving soon and if they need me to work on anything they better get it to me soon. A couple weeks ago we had our annual office rejuvination effort. The President has this pet project where every year in July everyone spends two work days cleaning out their offices, files, and generally tidying up the whole building. It sounded awful, but it's a really good idea. Especially when the follow through actually happens. Without that, the whole place would be so cluttered and unorganized I don't even want to think about it.

There is lots of craziness right now as the Tech and Ticket office people work on updating and interating both Patron's Edge and Raiser's Edge. These are our ticketing system and Development database system. They both are getting lots of new capabilities and are being integrated so that they cooperate better. It's a very good thing and will be helpful and amazing and exciting. But at the moment... it's just obnoxious and there's lots of stressing out about it.

In other news, I'm getting a little excited to head back to Utah! It's only for a few days and I'll get to hang with those people I miss like crazy. So I'm flying into SLC and driving down to Cedar City for a couple days. Then I'll spend the rest of the weekend in Salt Lake chillin and visiting.

Most importantly, I have several leads on jobs. Hopefully something will come through soon. Keep your fingers crossed!

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