Friday, July 31, 2009

I suck at Blogging.

How's it going?
Ok well. I'm gonna give a quick re-cap of recent events.
Work is going amazingly well. I am loving this internship and my time there has been SO unbelievably worthwhile. I've only got two weeks left, which is a little sad. So I warned my co-workers today that I'll be leaving soon and if they need me to work on anything they better get it to me soon. A couple weeks ago we had our annual office rejuvination effort. The President has this pet project where every year in July everyone spends two work days cleaning out their offices, files, and generally tidying up the whole building. It sounded awful, but it's a really good idea. Especially when the follow through actually happens. Without that, the whole place would be so cluttered and unorganized I don't even want to think about it.

There is lots of craziness right now as the Tech and Ticket office people work on updating and interating both Patron's Edge and Raiser's Edge. These are our ticketing system and Development database system. They both are getting lots of new capabilities and are being integrated so that they cooperate better. It's a very good thing and will be helpful and amazing and exciting. But at the moment... it's just obnoxious and there's lots of stressing out about it.

In other news, I'm getting a little excited to head back to Utah! It's only for a few days and I'll get to hang with those people I miss like crazy. So I'm flying into SLC and driving down to Cedar City for a couple days. Then I'll spend the rest of the weekend in Salt Lake chillin and visiting.

Most importantly, I have several leads on jobs. Hopefully something will come through soon. Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Marketing Summit

Due to a board connection, we had a summit of marketing folks from 3M come to work this afternoon to talk with us about our e-marketing strategies. We looked over our website, email system, facebook, and twitter and got their input and discussed as we went.

Overall, VERY helpful. They had some resources which sound absolutely AMAZING. Some analytical applications and such which got us all completely nerding out. It was great. There were a few drawbacks.

First, it seems that we continually ran into the same profit V. nonprofit roadblock. Maybe it was only perceived but there seemed to be a certain amount of condescension from certain members of their group in particular. Now usually I can just let that go and still hear what the person is saying and take what is useful from that. But it was a little more difficult today for some reason.
Second, there seemed to be a lack of respect for our financial limitations. WE ARE NOT 3M!! We certainly don't have their marketing budget. While the suggestions they made were helpful, they didn't seem to understand that we can't just go right out and do that. We can work on a plan and integrate it maybe over the next few years, but it'll take some time. And even then, we need to have some confidence that these changes will indeed help us to increase revenue rather than just value to the customer. These in theory are linked but we need some seriously solid numbers in order to really be able to sell these things internally as a good investment. One suggestion was to have appropriate music play on our site for all visitors. That's a great idea! But for the approximate cost of $150 a month...not so much worth it. The shock and disgust on some faces that we thought this was a prohibitive amount was a little of-putting. Especially when there are other things to focus on as priorities.
Third, we need to prioritize. Yes I see the contradiction. (How can you not have music? ...but Prioritize!). This was in reference to Facebook and Twitter. They felt that we were jumping the gun and we needed to really prioritize and focus on improving our website. Now they didn't come out and tell us to ignore these other areas, but that seemed to be the implication. I could have gotten behind that about 4 months ago, before we had started using them. But now that we're into it and have people linked to us, we can't just ignore them till we're ready. We need to maintain at the current level while also building the base of our website content. It's definitely hard and maybe less than ideal, but I can't imagine trying to restart Facebook and twitter pages after leaving them dormant for a year or even just several months. Maybe in the for-profit world, you can focus on one thing at a time individually, but I think the strength of many non-profits is their ability to juggle things and keep it al going, mostly because we don't have the resources to hire the necessary number of people to do the jobs that need to be done.

So in conclusion. Non-profit work is way harder than people think. Go out today, find a non-profit you like (you probably know of several already) and make a donation, however large or small. You have NO idea how much it will be appreciated and how well it will be put to use.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pride, retreat, and looking ahead.

Ok, I'm catching up here, but Twin Cities pride was last weekend.
It was overall a really fun time. I hung out with some old friends and met some new ones. Really a great time and so much more fun than Salt Lake Pride...I'm just sayin.
I hit up some parties did the festival loop, watched the parade. But something happened at the Block party that night. I really can't fully put it into words. I've tried. But I just felt happy.
The crowd was calm, everyone was just there to hang out and have fun and there was a feeling of respect in the group. I couldn't even tell you what was happening or who was on stage but there was a moment where everything just seemed right, and content, and so very much a part of a group. It's one of the few times I've felt that in my life and it always surprises me.

**EDIT: I can't believe I let myself be that schmaltzy. So here is my favorite story from pride. I was standing around a very crowded block party when this 20-something woman walks by and stops dead in her tracks. She stares at me for a bit til I started feeling a little nervous. Then she says: "You are to goddamn fucking cute! GOD! Why the hell is he gay!?" Just a bit of an ego boost there. But it was hilarious as well. I love it.**

Anyway, after that work was fun. I began the week with quite a sunburn from the whole day sunday outside. Things at work are going really well and I'm really enjoying it very much, while at the same time looking for a job for when my internship ends. It's a little odd. Thursday though, we had a department retreat at my boss' parents' house. We spent the day on the patio around and in the pool, with food and drinks and discussing some long term ideas, goals, and plans. I LOVE talking about that kind of thing so it was amazingly fun. It was really relaxing but also very productive I think. I have a lot of respect for my co-workers and this whole day was just a treat.

Now unfortunately I need to start thinking about my presentation and binder for the end of this whole Graduate degree thing. I'm almost done, but I keep forgeting that I have to go back to Utah and present everything there. I'm very excited by the opportunity to see some people there, but I would much rather just be working and doing this job which I'm enjoying so much without having to put together all these documented accomplishments and reflections. It feels so forced, but I just have to remember that I'm still technically in school and once I'm done that stuff will be lessened a bit.