Monday, August 17, 2009

The end is REALLY close.

I haven't even missed a full day yet, and I already miss my internship...

But it is my Birthday! Went to lunch with the family and now I'm spending the afternoon working on my presentation for later this week.
Now that the internship is officially finished (and they gave me a lovely send off), I have a trip back to Utah on Wednesday, presentation Thursday, defense meeting Thursday. That is all that stands in the way of being completely done!

Now I just need to see if I can get away with making people call me "Master Tyler."
Unlikely? We'll see.

Friday, August 14, 2009


This week was the COOLEST!

Tuesday and Wednesday after work we got to observe some research Focus Groups. Patrons had been called based on previous ticket giveaways and asked to participate. We got some really good results with almost all 4 panels filled out completely. There was a range of types of people and obviously a range of opinions. It was super cool for several reasons:

1: We got to sit behind the two way mirror and observe the whole thing while criticizing and griping about people.

2: we got some really useful feedback on several items
-a mailing we were planning was less than helpful to the panels
-we're already training some bad behavior
-flashy colors are eye catching and without them people don't care.
-some graphics need re-working
-people don't read their mail.

3:I made a networking connection with the woman running the focus groups. She works for an Arts Consulting and Market Research company.

4: we learned several great lessons.
-Chinese food is not so great luke-warm
-fortune cookies don't hold actual fortunes anymore
-that mailing we were going to print on Thursday wouldn't have been effective
-Always check the sound proofing on your observation room before leaping from your seat and yelling at the participants "Don't you read your F&@%ing mail!?)

All in all a wonderful experience. More on wrapping up the internship later.